My flight to Saskatoon

I have had a few flights before and it’s has never really been that bad. Well today is a very mixed bag of experiences. The terminal for these “encore” flights, was cold and barren like a subway station, though some pretty sexy guys would walk by occasionally. Cut to finally getting on the plane and some jerk behind me decided he needed to take up the whole over head bin for his bag and coat. Still found a place for my bag, so that’s good! So I am sitting here waiting to take up, and I start to wonder who my seat buddy is going to be. (This is a two seated plane) and then some man walks up smelling like he had a fun night of parties takes his seat and then plays loud rave music. So at this point I am just annoyed, and tiered. Thankfully it’s a short flight.

On a more amusing note, the lady one row up from me is reading a romance novel, and oh boy let me just say that Jax, and the main character (name not given while I read without her knowledge.) Are getting busy, like bouncing and sensations are deep kind of busy!

Haha what a morning.

– Trip

Manic Monday

So I stayed up way to late last night reading short stories, but really it was totally worth it! There is something about getting lost in other world’s to make a man happy. I often wish that life was as exciting as books! But then again I tend to read romance and stuff that makes your bones hurt with angst. Would I be as adapt to these changes and events as the characters? Probably not. Most of the time I feel like I have a light grasp on my own life as it is. Haha life can definitely be boring, but one should always be a star in your own life. Appreciate who you are and what you have. 

My plans for tonight, are to continue reading and study for my next chemistry class that either starts today, or next week. 

Dream big and work hard. 

– Trip

Sunday fun day

Sundays are not really fun. For me, they are a constant reminder that tomorrow is the start of a new work week. This is why I personally save all of my house chores for this day.

What did think today? I thought today would have been better if it was raining, I really miss the rain. Something nice about being able to sit inside and reflect on a rainy day. That seems to be all I do recently, reflect on where I have been and wish to go. If there was a skill that I ever needed to work on, oh boy is it ever being more paiten. 

In closing, (because I am reading a good story, and just filling an obligation) be positive and find the joy in situations that seem like chores. 


Slushy Mushy

January 4th today, even thought this website lies about the date and time. What can one say about Thursday? It’s closer to the weekend and my own personal time! I guess that’s something to look forward too, but is that all there is to look forward to? Do we spend our days at work dreaming for those two days where we can do what ever we want? I am pretty fortunate to have the weekends off really, this has been the first job to be as such. 

My friend was telling me about this book series called the “Happiness Project”, she described it as small things lead to big things. I have seen many variations of this, like writing down one thing that made you happy each day and placing it into a jar. The idea is that at the end of the year you take them all out and read all the things that brought you joy through out the year. I like this idea, but one thing I would try to do is really examine things and try to find something more substantial than ” ate pizza today” to be happy about. That’s just me though, if pizza truly made your day, go for it! But maybe that’s my problem, trying to look too deep and missing small things like pizza to be happy about. 

In a world where were we can feel small and insignificant, take the time to do the things you love, rather than going from one motion to the next. Be happy, be kind. 

– Trip


Well here we are again, day two! What happened today that I can share? Well it was a work day and I can assure you I was not ready to return to the hum drum of work. I had goals of waking up at eight, and decided sleeping in till ten was much better for my soul. 

Basically this is the first moment of my day where I have had a moment to sit down and relax. I decided to download a new audio book… it’s romance… yeah. I have this thing where romance novels fill a part of my life that I am really lacking. I really wish I had some romance advice to share, but really I am still figuring love out for myself. 

This has been a very rough glimps at my day, still trying to figure out how to organize my thoughts better. 

Stay classy! 

– Trip

New life

I agonized about how I would start this again, I wanted to start the new year off right. One of my new years resolutions is to see if I could blog everyday for this year. Sounds like a huge undertaking, and in many ways it will be. 

What I hope to get from this is a better connection to myself. The last few years have felt like a work a day life, and I want to bring back the irrepressible side of myself. So join me this year, and let’s see where this takes me. 

The picture is of a lobster I saw when I was gorcery shopping, it looked sad and was the only one left in the tank. Also it says I posted this on January 2nd, filthy lies. 

– Trip

Error code : Questionnaire

Job hunting again today… and oh boy! Where shall I start?

Firstly, when you have to join a vast amount of sites to submit resumes and fill out questionnaires… It is a pain in the ass! I mean why is it that you post a wanted add on Kijiji, then inform me that  I have to go to your web site to apply? I am aware you are trying to get the word out there, but I should not have to join your site, and then submit a resume for you to tell me I need to type it out again.  “We reserve the right to view this version over the uploaded file.”  What is the point of that? Please tell me. I am grateful that I am able to apply for jobs from the comfort of my own home, don’t get me wrong.  If I had to trek all over this city in a suit, during this hot day… I would need to shower for days to ever feel clean again. Continue reading